Культурна мапа Львова / Діалоги

Віднедавна в ІСКу з’явилася рубрика «Нові на мапі», в якій пишемо про тих дієвців культури, котрі починають чи тільки почали свою діяльність у Львові. Це проєкти з різною історією, вони працюють у різних напрямах і мають власне бачення і своєї ролі, і взаємодії з аудиторіями, і роботи з актуальним суспільним контекстом. Ми вирішили ходити до […]

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Друга спроба: V едиція

Цього разу зі спецпроєктом «Друга спроба» пропонуємо зазирнути в інші міста. Ми запитали наших колег із Чернігова, Києва, Умані й Дніпра, наскільки їхні плани на 2022 рік виявились (не)сумісними із реальністю, що було втілене і над чим працюють зараз. «Друга спроба» — це можливість оцінити реактивність, проактивність та гнучкість культурної сфери за надзвичайних ситуацій, ведення […]

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Yurko Vovkohon. Art at War | Ukraine! Unmuted

I was still bleeding and gazing up at the sky when my brothers in combat wound bandages onto my limbs. Ever since then, I would always be able to recognise the nauseating smell of my own blood from that of thousands of others. I have dug hundreds of trenches, falling face down over and over […]

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Zoya Zvynyatskivska. How to fashion a country out of an Empire | Ukraine! Unmuted

Usually, I reach the height of my media popularity as a fashion researcher once a year on Independence Day. TV and radio programmes, websites and blogs want information about Ukrainian fashion, since it’s an easy and extravagant topic, often associated with celebration. Analysing various invitations and requests, year after year, I have observed how Ukrainians […]

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Jurko Prochasko. Under the upper layers | Ukraine! Unmuted

A new life for Bruno Schulz in a new, independent Ukraine began with his repeated – and repugnant – murder. Luckily, the second of these ‘murders’ was only metaphorical: it consisted of the partitioning and theft of his wall-paintings from one small, but very important storage room in a private residence within the town of […]

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Ivan Kozlenko. Cinema as the Apparatus of Anti-Colonial Discourse | Ukraine! Unmuted

The anti-colonial resistance of Ukraine, since Russia’s escalation of war on 24 February 2022, is part of a wider process of decolonization. In this century, its driving forces have been the Orange Revolution of 2004, Euromaidan of 2013-2014, and the war in East of Ukraine since 2014, alongside decommunization and subsequent emancipation processes. Ukraine became […]

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Taras Lyuty. Scribes of Kyiv Conquer Muscovy | Ukraine! Unmuted

Russian philosopher Nikolay Berdyaev, who was born and spent part of his life in Ukraine, published a book in exile called “The Russian Idea” («Русская идея», 1946). Here he singled out five periods in Russian history: the Kyivan, the Tartar, the Moscow, the “Petrovsky” (from “Peter I”), and the Soviet. The naming of each period […]

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Diana Klochko. Ukrainian Avant-Garde and Folk Art | Ukraine! Unmuted

The beginning of the twentieth century was a period of significant change for Ukrainian urban culture. The city of Kyiv was rapidly developed: its first skyscraper, known as the Ginzburg House, was constructed in 1901, not far from centrally located Khreschatyk Street; cable car routes were ambitiously plotted along complex geomorphology; airplane flyovers became fashionable, […]

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Kateryna Botanova. A Blanket of Snow| Ukraine! Unmuted

This year, my personal Venice Biennale started with a line-up of pictures on social media featuring a middle finger against a background of the closed and empty Russian pavilion. Here it was, European geopolitics in a nutshell: superpowers and empires don’t disappear completely; they may turn silent for a moment, if forced to do so, […]

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