Site icon Cultural Strategy Institute

ІІІ Culture Congress in Lviv will take place on Septemper 7-9, 2023

UKRAINE! UNMUTED: UKRAINE TAKES A VOICE — the theme of the Congress. The dates are September 7-9, 2023!

It will be an event, where we will try to define together the new realities and challenges facing our society and the cultural sphere, Ukraine and the world after February 24, 2022.

Still in the middle of the war, we are trying to feel, to find, to invent the right words and a way to tell what happened to us and what is happening now. What is culture today: a form of telling the truth and deconstructing the imperial narrative, a space for working with trauma and healing, a keeper of collective memory, a foundation for coexistence? What have we lost, but also what have we freed ourselves from over the past year and a half, and what can we gain? Today, Ukraine is finding its voice, and it is becoming louder and more confident. Ukraine is becoming UNMUTED for itself and for others!

We would like to recall that the Lviv Cultural Congress is a sustainable platform for analyzing current cultural processes and a meeting place for those who create culture. The organizers of the Congress are the Institute for Cultural Strategy and the NGO “Virmenska 35” with the support of the Lviv City Council, ZMIN Foundation, International Renaissance Foundation, UCF.

More information coming soon!
